Category: Prolegomena

New issue of Prolegomena: Journal of Philosophy

We are pleased to announce that the new issue of Prolegomena – Journal of Philosophy No. 16-1-2017 was published online on the HRCAK – Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia. You can also access the journal at our pages.

New Issue of Prolegomena: Journal of Philosophy

We are pleased to announce that the new issue of Prolegomena – Journal of Philosophy No. 15-1-2015 was published online on the HRCAK – Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia. You can also access the journal at our pages.

Prolegomena (1/2011)

New issue of Prolegomena (1/2011) has been published!

New issue of Journal of Philosophy Prolegomena (1/2011) has been published on Hrcak – Portal of scientific journals of Croatia. Also, Journal of Philosophy Prolegomena recently entered into a respectable bibliographic database, Current Contents / Arts & Humanities.